Covid-19 update

As the overall numbers of Covid-19 cases across the country decrease and as Washington and other states begin reopening stages, it's natural to feel more at ease and relax on social distancing, wearing masks in public, and consistent hygiene. Pacific county has been very fortunate given the high rate of transmission and potential severity of this pandemic, but we must remember the virus is still with us. The fact that we have had very few cases, and the state has done well with flattening the curve, is the result of our actions, not the virus. It is alive and well, and always looking for new hosts.
As of yesterday 23 states including Washington have seen an increase in cases this last week compared to the week prior. A little over two weeks ago there were 13 states with rising numbers. As much of Washington is faring better on the number of cases, Yakima county has double the state average per 100,000 people that have tested positive for the virus, and is mostly responsible for the state's rising cases.
Recently 124 new cases have been reported in Newport Oregon which originated in a Pacific Seafoods plant. 53 employees and 71 local contractors tested positive, and with contact tracing yet to come, there will likely be more.
Nationally there have been close to 115,000 deaths, with an average of 1,000 perishing each day, and even with a meager 4% of the population tested, we still see about 20,000 - 30,000 new cases daily. 
As I have used this analogy before, the daily death rate is similar to (7) 737’s crashing daily with no survivors. How eager would you be to fly if that were the norm ?
So as we reopen and begin to get some sense of normalcy, let's remember it's up to all of us to help keep this virus at bay. The more we do to protect ourselves and others will benefit our citizens, local businesses, and allow a faster reopening. If we regress, we could be starting this whole process over, and that would be devastating. Be safe.


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